As a certified Life and Therapeutic Art Coach, I specialize in personal growth and career development, helping clients heal, reduce stress and manifest dreams.
It’s an honor to be working with you in this way and I look forward to our coaching relationship!
This is a co-creative relationship. I see us as equals and I encourage you to do the same. I am not a therapist, counselor or consultant. I am a trained coach, using practiced communication, listening and creative skills to support you as a detached thinking partner. Together we will create more power for you to effect meaningful change and take dynamic actions towards your forward movement. Please understand, that if you’re seeking to change something about yourself, it takes time.
• I will help you dream big and stretch your horizons to create a compelling vision for your life, and then help you chart the course to get there.
• I will hold you accountable to yourself by holding you to higher expectations and standards and reminding you what you’re doing it all for.
• I will challenge you to see your true potential and to settle for nothing less than all than you are meant to be.
• I will help you find meaning in the challenges in your life and give your pain a purpose.
• I will help you keep your mind in check so you can choose optimism, feel confident, and master a mindset of success.
• I will help you stay committed in those times when you feel frustrated, overwhelmed, or become distracted by life’s uncertainties.
• I will be that support system you can depend on when the people in your life are nay-sayers, haters, or don’t believe in your vision.
• I will do my best to re-start and enrich your life.
Let’s Work Together
Get in touch so we can start working together.
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